Tor Read online

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  I don’t care if I pissed her off again, I wasn’t going to look the other way when I saw that she could be harmed. I will not stand by and let her be intimidated or put in danger. I can already tell that she and I have a lot in common. Probably too much. She’s used to being in charge and taking care of her own shit - just like me.

  A woman shouldn’t have to worry about creeps like that guy. It makes my blood boil to think there are guys like him out there, and it breaks my heart knowing that she’s had to fight her own fight probably countless times. I just met her and I can already see she has a heart of gold beneath the tough exterior.

  Later on, she’s still on my mind while I’m trying to fall asleep. I can’t help but wonder what her soft curvy body would feel like on top of me, riding my cock like she stole it. Hell, she already has. I'm all hers if she want to come and get it.

  I groan, rolling over with a painful erection. I’m not going to get any sleep unless I take care of myself. I wrap my hand around my shaft, pumping silently while I conjure up an image of Bree’s perfect tits in my mind. I imagine what she’d look like with my cock buried deep in her plump pussy, and I explode.


  The rest of the week flies by, and we’ve actually had some steady business. I haven’t managed to run into Bree again, and I’m not too happy about that but I hope it’ll also give her time to cool off and decide to not be pissed off by my existence by the next time I see her.

  On Friday, I show up early to the garage. I’ve already got two more customers scheduled to come by today to get estimates on some work. I ran an ad in the local paper, and it’s clearly been paying off. We get new people calling in constantly.

  I’m surprised to see Bree is in early too, even though she doesn’t open up for a couple more hours. I decide to stop in and make a peace offering. It’s been long enough, and I’m ready to try again with her.

  I poke my head inside and see her holding a broom, sweeping the waiting area. “Hey there. Happy Friday. Look, I wanted to buy you a coffee as an apology for getting off to a rough start this week. I’m going across the street now, what can I get you?”

  She looks hot as hell, wearing a low cut red shirt that shows off her cleavage, just enough to be noticeable but still classy. Dark skinny jeans hug her curvy hips. One hand goes to her hip as she stops sweeping and surveys me. Her eyes do a quick full body scan of me and I notice the slightest blush color her cheeks.

  Baby girl got caught checking me out.

  “That...isn’t necessary, but thank you.” She pauses with uncertainty. “I have a lot to do this morning.” Her tone is soft at least. She doesn’t sound angry.

  “Oh, come on. Just tell me what you like and I’ll deliver.” I mean that in more ways than one.

  Our eyes meet for a long second, and I swear I feel like I’m drowning. She bites her lip and just nods, her eyes locked on mine. “Ok. I’ll take a vanilla latte. Medium. Thanks.”

  “Coming right up.”

  I head out to grab our coffees, feeling victorious. I give her one last glance before I let the door close, and I catch her watching me leave. Smiling, I head across the street.

  When I return, I hand her the cup and she takes a sip. I watch her lips part over the opening on the lid, leaving a stain where her lipstick touched. Damn I want those lips on me…

  I force myself to focus and I clear my throat.

  “Look, I’m sorry I overstepped your boundaries but I will never apologize for wanting to protect you. A woman shouldn’t have to fight every battle herself. It’s an instinct of mine to protect, and I can’t promise it won’t happen again if someone bothers you. I want you to feel like you can call on me for help. After all, we do work next to each other.”

  She takes another sip, eyeing me. “A protector, huh? You sure it's not just that you enjoy fighting?" She smirks. “I really don’t need any extra trouble around here. This place is all I have and I don’t need my business getting a...violent reputation.”

  I’m completely taken aback. “What do you mean? I don’t like to fight. Why would you think that?”

  She shrugs and looks away.

  “I’m actually a nice guy.” I hold open my arms. “A big teddy bear, I swear. Let me take you to dinner and I can show you.”

  Bree looks me square in the eye. “That’s not what the public records say. Look Tor, I can't go to dinner with you. You’re sexy as hell, but I'm not going to get involved with a guy like you. No matter how tempting it may be. I know your type, and I can’t…”

  I feel like I’ve been punched. “That’s not fair. So you think I’m some violent animal just beating his chest looking for a fight? Did you read the whole story?”

  “I found out all I needed to know. And I don’t have time for any trouble. I’m a successful business owner and I hope you can be too, but you and me? I'm sure it'd be one hell of a night, but it's not happening.”

  “Damn right, it’d be fun. But that’s not all I’m looking for, honey. I’ll leave you alone if that’s what you’re asking me to do, but can I ask why you hate me so much without even giving me a chance?”

  Bree sighed deeply and looked away. ”I didn't say I hated you. I just said I'm not going to date you. Let’s just get back to work,ok? Have a good day, Tor.”

  She turns and walks into the back and even though I’m shocked and somewhat hurt by her refusal, I can’t take my eyes off her ass as she walks away.

  I don’t care what she thinks of me. I saw the way she looked at me, and I’ll do anything I can to make her want to give me a chance. Whatever it takes. I’ve been to jail, I’m used to waiting.

  But waiting for her is going to be more punishment than jail time could ever be.



  So maybe I am flattered that Tor went out of his way to defend me that night, but I’m not going to tell him that. It’s been so long since there was someone to look out for me, and it felt good. But I refuse to let myself rely on him, or anyone else, to be there to help out again .

  All of a sudden, memories of my dad come flooding back. I blink back tears. I miss him. I just wish he would have made a different choice that night. He was the only man I’d ever loved and when I lost him I knew I didn’t want to bear the pain of losing someone ever again.

  I know I’d fall for Tor hard if I allowed it to happen. He’s everything I ever dreamed of in a man. I want him bad and I can’t help but try to sneak peeks of him whenever I can, without being a total creep. Every time I see him, he’s working his ass off - which I’ve noticed is toned and muscular and just right.

  His business is already doing well, and he has customers coming and going all day. He clearly knows what he’s doing over there and that makes him all the more irresistible. Every time I see him interacting with a customer, he’s always totally professional and everyone seems to leave happy.

  He’s hardworking, sweet and sexy.

  Too bad he’s also a jailbird who is prone to hotheaded violence. My obsessive thoughts are interrupted when a young woman steps up to the counter.

  “Hi there, how can I help you?” I greet her, glad to get out of my own head.

  “Hi, I was just hoping you had time to do a quick bang trim? I just noticed your salon and thought I’d try to get this done now.”

  “Sure, right this way, I don’t have another appointment for twenty minutes. I can squeeze you in.”

  “Thank you so much!” She was bubbly and cute, with bright blue eyes that reminded me of him for some reason. I silently scolded myself. Did everything have to be about him?.

  I get her settled into the chair and begin combing her bangs straight.

  “Just even them up for me please.”

  “No problem. So what brings you into the neighborhood? You said you’ve never been here before?” I make automatic small talk while I spritz her hair.

  She closes her eyes while I begin to snip. “My brother just opened the garage next door. I came by to show som
e support, you know? I really want to see him do well. I’m just so proud of him.”

  Holy crap. She really does have the same eyes as him. I’m not crazy after all. “Are you Tor’s sister?”

  “Yeah, you know him?” She grins.

  “I just met him,” I reply simply. I leave out the part about also wanting to bang him. “You seem like a great sister. That was sweet of you to stop by and check on him.” I want to ask her so many questions about him but there's no way to do it without sounding weird.

  “Well, he’s a great brother. It’s the least I could do. I’d literally be dead if it weren’t for him.”

  Ok, now I had to ask. “Tor saved your life?” I ask cautiously. I hope it’s not too much, but the curiosity is killing me.

  Luckily, Tor’s sister is a chatterbox and doesn’t seem bothered at all. She opens right up. “Oh yeah. Not only that, he went to jail for it. I was young and stupid and was dating a real asshole. Everyone warned me. When he came after me one night, Tor beat the crap out of him. His parents were rich and got Tor locked up, even though my ex was a lunatic. I really owe Tor everything.”

  “Wow,” I stupidly respond. My mind is reeling with this new discovery. I finish up and turn on the blow dryer to fix her bangs. “How's that?” I ask.

  “Perfect.” She stood. “What do I owe you?”

  I wave her off with a smile. “On the house sweetie. Come back again and we can do a full style sometime.”

  “Wow, thanks. I’ll tell Tor to come see you when he needs a cut.”

  “Yeah, do that.” I smile.

  When she’s gone, I sink into the salon chair, processing all I've just learned. Maybe I was a little hard on him in my attempt to keep him at arm’s length. He really is a good guy. I could tell even before, but now I have proof.

  I guess it’s my turn to apologize.


  Not that I’ve been keeping tabs, but I happen to know precisely what time Tor usually locks up. I wait until that time and catch him saying goodbye to his partner, who is also crazy sexy, but not quite like Tor is .

  I wait until his partner gets into his car and then I approach him as he is fumbling with his keys about to leave. I wave to him to get his attention.

  “Here comes trouble,” he says with a smile when he sees me approaching. I can’t believe he isn’t angry with me.

  I can’t help but smile back at him. God, he’s perfect. I feel my body reacting to him immediately.

  I don’t know how to begin, so I just blurt out, “I was wrong about you. I came to apologize. I’m sorry for being so rude and judgmental.”

  He smiles wider, revealing how handsome he looks when he is pleased. I can tell he isn't someone who smiles often and I feel like a goddess being the one to make him do it.

  He runs a hand through his beard. “Apology accepted, honey.” He seems totally relaxed. “Thanks for saving me the trip, by the way.”

  “What are you taking about?”

  “I was actually just coming over to ask if you wanted to grab a burger with me down the street. I’m starving, and thought you might be too.”

  “You were going to ask me out again, even after all the rude things I said to you last week?”

  He shrugs. “Yeah. When I see something I want, I don’t give up that easily. It’ll take more than a sassy comeback to get me to back down.” He was still smiling. “What do you say?”

  “I, um,” I stuttered. Smooth. “Yes, sure.” I heard myself agree before my stupid logical brain could talk me out of it.

  Tor nods, as if he was sure all along that I’d say yes. The man oozes sex appeal and confidence and it makes me horny and annoyed all at once.

  This is just a quick bite to eat. As friends. We do work near each other, after all. It’s the right thing to do.

  I do my best to rationalize, even though I know deep down I want this to be something more.

  Tor brushes his hand against my low back, guiding me into the passenger seat of his souped up truck. Raw sexual energy passes between us when he touches me, and it ignites every nerve in my body.

  I know what it feels like to grab a burger with a friend. This is so much more than friendly.



  I hold the door open and let my eyes drift downward as Bree brushes past me through the door of Ballard’s. I get a delicious view of her cleavage as she goes past, and she's more mouth watering than anything on the restaurant’s menu.

  The hostess leads us to a corner booth and we both settle in. I’m determined to make her see that I’m not a bad guy, and by the look of things, she’s starting to warm up to me. I just can’t screw this up.

  I’m curious about what made her change her mind so suddenly, though. I don’t know whether to ask about it or to leave well enough alone and just be glad I’m sitting across from the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.

  Bree pretends to be engrossed in reading the menu. “What do you suppose you’ll have? You seem like a jalapeno cheeseburger kind of woman.”

  She rewards me with a smile and finally looks up at me. “What would make you think that?” She has a playful lilt to her voice that puts me at ease.

  “Well, your attitude is sure spicy as hell. And your looks are on fire. So I imagine you must like your food to be hot, too.” I shrug. “It only makes sense.”

  “Hey now. I said I was sorry for the way I acted.” Her voice softens. “I meant that, you know?”

  “I know. I believe you.”

  The waiter sets some glasses of water with lemon in front of us and she carefully unwraps her straw and takes a sip. My eyes are locked on those luscious lips and the way they’re sucking on her straw. I wish I could get in on that action. My cock stirs in my pants and I tear my eyes away and take a long drink from my own cold glass.

  Bree opens her mouth and closes it again a couple times, as if she wants to say something but isn’t sure how to word it. I watch her patiently as she searches for words.

  “I met your sister today. She came in to get a haircut. And she told me about what you did for her. I’m sorry that happened to you. I'm sorry it happened to both of you. Your sister seems like a really sweet girl."

  I wasn’t expecting to hear that. My smile disappears. The reason for my jail time wasn’t exactly what I had in mind for the topic of conversation at my first date in years.

  “Yeah, well it is what it is. I had to do something. It was a bad situation, and if I had it to do over again I can’t say I would have done anything differently. That guy got what was coming to him. I guess I did too.”

  Bree shakes her head and reaches across the table, laying her hand over mine. “No, you didn’t. You didn’t deserve what you got, Tor. You were defending your sister, and what you did was heroic.”

  Bree’s soft hand on my calloused one made my whole body catch fire. She rubs her thumb over my skin, then withdraws. Her touch is so soft and tender and caring. She is showing me a side of her that I haven’t met yet, and it’s making me fall for her even worse than before.

  “Yeah well, I look after my sisters as best I can. I have been for a long time. By the time I was twelve, my mom was nowhere to be found for weeks at a time, and it was up to me to keep them safe. That instinct is never going to go away.”

  “Are you two ready to order?” The waiter interrupts.

  “I think we need a few more minutes," I tell him.

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” Bree sounds apologetic. “That must have been rough. It seems it made you into quite the man, though. I think you’re amazing.”

  I didn’t mean to reveal so much to her so fast. I’m not used to feeling comfortable enough to be vulnerable with another human. This woman is after my heart and I’m ready to give it up without a second thought.

  “You do, huh?” I ask her, looking into her eyes. “Well I think you’re pretty amazing, too. In fact I think you're nothing short of a goddess if you wanna get technical.”

I do.” Bree raises her eyebrows suggestively. It takes everything I have not to lean over and kiss her right here. The energy between us is thick. I’m barely aware of the crowded restaurant anymore. I need to have her. Now.

  “Then how about we get out of here and I’ll show you just how amazing I think you are, honey? I’ll start at the top, with your perfect lips, and work my way down.” We’re now holding hands, even though I don’t even remember reaching for her. My body is operating on autopilot. My whole being wants her.

  She nods. “I’d like that. Let's go."


  The drive to my place takes less than ten minutes but that’s about as long as I can take.

  As soon as the front door closes behind us, my hands are on her hips, pulling her close against me. She parts her lips and mine crash into hers.

  Her hands are looped around my neck, her soft body pressed up against me. My dick is definitely not being subtle, and I know she feels how hard I am for her. My hands roam over her curves, gliding over her breasts. I can feel her hard nipples through her shirt. I need them between my teeth, in my mouth. She lifts her arms obediently so I can free her of her shirt.

  In one swift movement I have her shirt over her head and on the floor. She snakes her hands under my own shirt, rubbing her palms over my chest, raking her fingertips over my skin and sending sexual shocks through me that have every nerve in my body on fire for her.

  I run my hands up her back, finding the clasp of her bra and flicking it open. I take my lips away from hers just so I can watch that glorious moment when her creamy round tits swing free, open for me to feast on. Her dark nipples are budded atop each perfect breast and I feel like a teenager again, damn near ready to cum in my pants.

  I suck in a deep breath, cupping her breasts with my palms and kissing her again, making her moan into my mouth. “I want to taste every inch of you,” I growl against her neck.

  In response, she presses her hips against me, grinding against my erection. My hands find the button of her jeans and rip them open, helping her wiggle them over her wide, lush hips. Bree standing there in nothing but her black lacy panties is a sight for sore eyes. I almost want to take a picture, so I can remember what she looks like right now forever.